Long-Term Care Insurance

[cms_heading text=”Long-Term Care Insurance” margin_top=”11″]

Statistics show the chief cause of impoverishment among the elderly is a long term care expense. The daily costs for this type of care are enormous and growing faster than the rate of inflation. Many retirees are seeing their life’s savings wiped out by incurring long term care expenses. It is a huge financial pot-hole in your retirement road of life.

If you have taken the effort to save and invest adequately for your living expenses during retirement, have you also saved enough to pay for a $220 per day expense for long term care? Many people who are receiving long term care treatment are seeing these types of expenses, and have not prepared for them.  They have saved enough to make it through their retirement years, based on a normal cost of living need, but they did not plan on spending these kinds of dollars for a health need. As a result, they or their spouse may be left financially destitute as a result.

At Retirement Planning Resources, we take a creative approach to solve this potential financial pothole. There are many different ways to keep your future financially protected while either transferring this long-term health care risk to an insurance company, or using other creative planning techniques to pay for these costs. Let us show you how you can live your retirement years the way you want without leaving you unprotected during long-term health challenges.

Let us put a cover on this pot-hole so you can safely travel through your retirement years financially unscathed.

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[cms_heading text=”Call 855-266-1094. for a free consultation to discuss your need for this imperative coverage. Let us help protect your lifestyle with a well planned and well funded retirement journey.” tag=”h4″ align_lg=”align-center” align_md=”align-center-md” align_sm=”align-center-sm” align_xs=”align-center-xs” font_weight=”300″ margin_top=”11″ margin_bottom=”26″]
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